Gitlab Inc. 268 Bush Street #350, San Francisco, CA 94104-3503 United States Of America
This is an English translation of the french Legal Terms, the french version is the only one valid from a legal perspective.
Website edited by an individual without commercial purposes.
Gitlab Inc. 268 Bush Street #350, San Francisco, CA 94104-3503 United States Of America
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Any representation, reproduction, and/or exploitation, whether partial or complete of any mentioned brand is prohibited, without preliminary written agreement from their owners.
Any representation complete or partial of this Website from any individual, without express permission from is prohibited and would constitute a counterfeit according to the articles L 335-2 and following from the French Intellectual Property Code.
Furthermore, the use of informations contained on this Website is the only responsibility of its user. We couldn’t be in any case, for any reason, be responsible no matter the consequences. We are not responsible for any mistake or omission on this Website.
The credits and copyrights for the following elements of this Website have specific rights attached: